Benefits of a Professional Arborist Tree Service

It is common knowledge that trees are imperative for a flourishing environment and add beauty to your landscape. But did you know that if your trees are not properly maintained, they can cause damage to other plants and trees and potentially even cause damage to your property? 

With a professional arborist tree service, you can ensure that your trees stay happy and healthy and your property is protected. Read on to find out the detailed benefits that your certified arborist tree service, Maguire Tree Care, Inc., can bring to you today!

Tree Pruning and Trimming

If the branches of a tree hang too close to a home or over a road, they can be a safety concern if the tree gets hit by lightning.

A tree trimming arborist will know exactly how to trim a tree so that no damage is done to the tree and the buildings or cars surrounding it are not in harm's way. 

Additionally, if the tree's foliage becomes too dense, it can prevent sunlight from reaching the middle branches and leaves of a tree, creating an environment for bug infestations and rot.

Your local tree pruning arborist can carefully prune away the leaves to still leave your tree looking lush and beautiful but allowing the light to reach all areas of your tree.

Long Term Tree Health

New trees especially need focused care to ensure they grow as tall and healthy as possible. Specialty tree services will know how to do many kinds of tree and shrub fertilization, along with deep root fertilization.

A specialty tree service can provide you with an arborist report so that you can know the proper care and maintenance your trees need for health and longevity. 

Proactive Tree Care

Sometimes, even with focused attention, trees can still get sick or become infested with bugs. A consultation with an arborist tree service can tell you exactly what is going wrong with your trees and what must be done to fix the problem.

With a certified tree arborist keeping an eye on your precious trees, they can catch the problems early on to prevent death and irreversible decay. There are many damaging diseases, such as: 

  • Apple Scab

  • Dutch Elm Disease

  • Anthracnose

But these can all be prevented with the proper care from an arborist care tree service.  

Find Your Nearest Arborist Tree Service Today

With a little help from the professionals, you can ensure that the trees on your home property or business stay looking beautiful, continue to grow tall and strong, and don't present a threat to your buildings. 

Maguire Tree Care has been in the business for decades and is known throughout the Bay Area as one of the premier arborist tree services. With hundreds of testimonials, certificates, and insurance, there is no doubt that your trees will be in the best possible hands. 

Contact Maguire Tree Care, Inc. for all of your tree services needs today!

Paul Maguire