The 6 Best Landscaping Trees for Your Property

A backyard tree isn’t just a great place to build a treehouse–though that’s awesome if you do. Strategically planted trees help cool your home (reducing your utility bills) and could even increase your home’s value by up to 20 percent.

Are you a California homeowner keen to tree-ify your yard? Read on to learn about the best landscaping trees for your area.

1. Sweet Bay

Sweet bay, also known as Laurus nobilis, is one of the best trees for front yard landscaping. It grows to around 40 to 50 feet and has golden-colored seed pods and flowers. Best of all, the leaves, once dried, can be used as a herb to flavor soups and stews.

Sweet bay comes from the Mediterranean, so it does well in climates with little rain. Use this tree to form a windbreaker in coastal areas.

2. Dwarf Fruit Trees

Some of the best trees for Southern California landscaping could also put food on your table. There are a ton of dwarf and semi-dwarf fruit tree varieties, from apples, plums, and pears to citruses. 

Dwarf fruit trees–and fruit trees in general–need regular pruning and fertilizing, or they won’t fruit well. If you plan to plant any fruiting trees in your yard, be sure to schedule regular tree care services.

3. Gingko

The Gingko biloba is known as much for its health benefits as it is for its incredible fall foliage. The distinctively shaped leaves turn from grass green to bright yellow in around a week.

Thankfully, the leaves fall almost all at the same time, so clean-up is easy. Gingko grows to a height of about 50 feet, so make sure you have the growing space for this attractive tree.

The disease-hardy species originated in China and is one of the oldest trees still in existence. You could say it’s a living fossil!

4. Palo Verde

If you’re looking for a landscaping tree with a long blooming season, the Palo Verde is for you. Every spring, it will treat you to a stunning display of bright yellow flowers every April and May.

As a bonus, this hardy tree does excellently in unfavorable growing conditions. For example, they drop their leaves during a drought, and their green trunks can photosynthesize like leaves. These unusual adaptations allow them to survive in desert environments.

5. Oak Tree

Oaks are an iconic part of the California landscape, with some ancient trees celebrating up to 400 years of birthdays. They are well adapted to dry, hot environments, so they thrive in the summer months as much as in the winter.

Look for species native to your part of California, and you can help contribute to the revival of this important tree species in the state.

Find the Best Landscaping Trees for Your Home

When it comes to the best landscaping trees for California, you want to look for drought-tolerant trees that offer lots of shade. Ideally, look for evergreens rather than trees that shed their leaves, though a few deciduous trees will provide beautiful fall colors. And make sure you consider how much space the tree–its roots and branches–will need once it’s mature.

If you’re having a hard time deciding on suitable trees, reach out to the team at Macquire Tree Care today. We’ll assess your Bay Area or Peninsula property and help you pick out the most suitable species.

Paul Maguire