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What Exactly Is an Arborist Report?

There are quite a few stories on families that cut down protected trees without knowing, and receive hefty fines for doing so. What many people don’t know is that you actually need an arborist report before removing any important amount of shrubbery or trees from a property.

But, what is an arborist report? Well, in essence, it’s an in-depth report on the conditions of a given piece of land. It mostly refers to the plant life, and most commonly is used for intervening when it comes to trees.

If you’re considering making changes to a piece of property, and it involves plant life, you might want to read ahead for more information.

What is An Arborist Report

An arborist report is a representation of the current situation of a tree. It typically considers any issues it might have, damage, and other signs of problems. It also includes, though, additional information regarding a given area’s conditions. You might run into info about pest control, potential for diseases and illnesses, and other risk assessments.

They’re also used for property considered culturally sensitive. However, they’re more commonly used, specifically, for research and data analysis on trees. Here are some of the analyzed variables you’ll see:

  • Root mapping
  • Tree life expectancy
  • Suitability for preservation
  • Impacts on adjacent land parcels
  • Soil stability
  • Wind dynamic impacts from tree removal

Why Arborist Reports are Important

Any planning process involving plant life like trees, almost regardless of context, requires an arborist report. It’s considered central to any project. They’re legal documents recognized by legal courts. However, the requirements can change depending on each region’s local government bodies.

Without proper analysis or the aid of an arborist report, you might accidentally destroy trees and plants that sustain life. This has the potential to upend your entire project and can result in fines or restrictions.

Arborist Report Examples

Arborist reports can vary greatly in layout and subject. One example can involve numerous dangerous trees that need to be removed. Before proceeding, anyone involved needs to get a certified arborist report, present it to local municipalities, and receive an approval. In this case, though, you’d also need a hazardous tree removal permit along with proof of tree condition.

Consulting an arborist tree expert would also be necessary when you’re looking to submit an arborist report regarding the species, size, and condition of existing trees on a site. They’re not only important for homeowners and contractors, though, as city services also need to analyze land before intervening.

Contacting an Arborist Expert

Arborist reports often vary greatly in content but aim for the same objective. They’re all about making sure that the plants involved are protected as much as possible, and that their removal doesn’t have the potential to cause damage or harm in the future. They’re also great for analyzing the existing plant life on a property in great detail.

Reach out if you need some guidance and an arborist report for your project. We’re more than happy to guide you from start to finish!

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